Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Prenatal Visit: 38 weeks!

No change since last week unfortunately. No dilation or effacement, cervix is still really high.
Baby's heart rate was good (150s), and I assume she's measuring on track. I forgot to ask the doctor, oops.
My blood pressure was good (102/70) and no protein in my urine.

I asked about a possible induction next week because of Joey's leave schedule. His leave is scheduled for 8/6-8/18, and the whole point of that leave is to HELP with the baby. At this rate, she's going to end up coming after his leave is over and I'm going to be stuck with 4 kids and no help at all.
The doctor basically said that
a) They don't schedule any elective inductions prior to 39 weeks, so at the very earliest we're looking at 8/6.
b) They won't induce if you're not dilated or effaced because it highly increases your risk of emergency c-section, infection, etc.

So basically she said if I go to my 39 week appointment on Tuesday and I am dilated to about 2-3cm and like 70% effaced, we can talk about scheduling an induction for later in the week. If I go in and there's still no progress I have no choice but to still wait it out.

She said hopefully I'll just go into labor on my own prior to Tuesday but I'm not going to hold my breath.

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