Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Prenatal Visit: 30 weeks

30 week appointment today! I seriously cannot believe I'm 30 weeks along already!

Appointment went well! My blood pressure has been normal the whole pregnancy but it's been elevated for what's typical of me. I've been running about 120s/80 and today it was finally back to my normal! 106/60! So yay for good blood pressure (and of course for no protein in my urine!)

I lost another pound this week. Doctor doesn't seem to believe me that I'm not skipping meals, but I'm really not! I explained again that the baby is up so high that I can't eat a normal amount of food in one sitting anymore or I can't breathe. She told me she'd like me to start eating something small every hour to at least maintain my weight, I don't necessarily need to gain anything. I don't think that's going to work either but we'll see!

Baby's heart rate was good: 145ish. She's measuring a week ahead still. Doctor wasn't able to determine her position but she said she will probably be able to next visit.

Until next time!

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